Diocesan Offices
59 Westminster Bridge Road
Tel: 0207 960 2500
The Most Reverend John Wilson
Archbishop of Southwark
Tel: 020 7928 2495
Fax: 020 7401 7383
Deacon Michael Kennedy
020 7928 5592/020 7202 8176
Jennifer Delves
Tel: 020 7928 5592 / 020 7202 8193
Fax: 020 7401 7383
Archives web page
Archives Office hours:
Monday and Tuesday -
08.00 to 17.00
The Archdiocesan archives do not hold school records or any adoption records. Adoption records may be held by the Diagrama Foundation Enquiries should be made to them in writing to
5th Floor
Anchorage House
High Street
Baptism and other sacramental records are normally held in the relevant parishes and not in the Archdiocesan Archives.
Enquiries concerning the Baptismal records of adopted children (ACR) should be referred to the Chancery at Archbishop’s House: see above
Matters concerning Diocesan Property, Finance and Central Administrative Service are looked after by the Diocesan Finance Office
Matters concerning Catholic Schools, Catholic Academies, Catholic Colleges in the Diocese should be referred to the Education Commission
Clergy and staff working throughout the SE1 Diocesan Offices can be reached here: