As a Church we are very good at responding in a crisis, but what do we offer the bereaved once the initial shock has passed?
The parish ministry to the bereaved is a hand of friendship helping people come to terms with their loss. Although they may never end their grieving, with help they can move on and grow spiritually.
It is not counselling, for which extensive training is required, but rather it is befriending in a sensitive and empathetic way.
Ministry to the Bereaved Retreat Training Courses
Dates for a training day can be arranged with Elizabeth Partridge to be run in your own parish or deanery.
Contact Details
Tel: 01303 670880
How to arrange a parish bereavement training course: Download this leaflet
Bereavement Ministry Training Course
The MFL Team is unable to offer this retreat at present, owing to ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19, but hopes to do so in the future.
Cost for the retreats in 2020 were £200 Single and £180 Shared.