An invitation


Are you concerned about injustice in our world?

Do you know what the Catholic Church says about issues of social justice?

Do you feel the need to take action and make your voice heard?

Do you share our vision of a world in which people live in peace and harmony with one another and with nature, where our common humanity is respected and all can contribute freely to the common good?

If so, we are pleased to share a range of information and opportunities to engage with justice and peace in contemporary society.

Oscar Romero

St Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador from 1977 to 1980 was assassinated for speaking out about human rights violation in his country. He was a peacemaker who sacrificed his life by standing up to injustice.  A Diocesan Shrine to this modern-day saint resides within St George's Cathedral and he continues to inspire and motivate the work of Southwark JPIC.

A recording of the Mass to celebrate his 104th birthday in August 2021 can be viewed here:



Photos from the March 2021 Southwark Mass to Install Guardians of the Romero Shrine can be found here: Installation of Romero Shrine Guardians

Help in your parish

Would you like support and encouragement with justice and peace issues? Working as a Group is an effective way to make progress. While action for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation is strongly rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, many Justice and Peace groups work ecumenically and sometimes with partners from other faiths. From the Scriptures and the example of Christ's life and teaching, from the Church’s Social Action and Teaching and from our own faith experience, we are inspired by, and wonder at God’s Spirit acting throughout creation and in every human being

We value:

  • love, hope and compassion
  • mercy and forgiveness
  • solidarity and subsidiarity
  • partnership and dialogue
  • care for the whole of creation
  • simplicity and sustainability of lifestyle
  • reconciliation and peace
  • wonder at God’s Spirit acting throughout creation and in every human being