The Christian Unity Commission bases its work on Our Lord’s prayer in John 17.20-21, where he asks 'that they may be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me.’
We therefore seek to encourage Catholics within the Archdiocese to follow Our Lord by working and praying for the unity of all Christians, so that we can work together in mission and evangelisation. We seek to build relationships of friendship and cooperation with all Christians within our area. We hope that we can all learn from each other what is beautiful and good in our different traditions.
Click here to see the Commission’s constitution.
The members of the Commission are:
Rt Rev Paul Hendricks (President)
Robin Orton (Chair)
Gwen Chiosso (Secretary)
Deacon Michael Baldry
Deacon Jolyon Vickers
Sr Beatrice Garnett
Marie Bullard
Theresa Fox (Treasurer)
Juliet Chiosso (Assistant Secretary)
We arrange regular events at which speakers, either Catholics or from other Christian traditions, are invited to lead discussions about church unity issues. Catholics from the parishes and anyone else who is interested are encouraged to attend.
We also arrange visits to other denominations’ churches or other places of ecumenical significance. This gives us the opportunity to learn more about the different Christian traditions and to pray together for unity.
We have a communications network that some of you will already be on. If you would like to be added (or removed) please let us know at This is to inform you at regular intervals of items that may be of interest to you.