The major work of the Southwark Metropolitan Tribunal is dealing with and processing applications for nullity of marriage relating to people in the Archdiocese of Southwark.
Married couples aspire to remain wedded for life, but for many reasons, relationships are not always successful and do occasionally end in separation. Where this is the case and the marriage has ended, it is possible for the Southwark Marriage Tribunal to explore whether it may be null and void, or invalid, which would allow a further marriage to be feasible in the eyes of the Church.
The Tribunal Team, led by our Judicial Vicar, are trained and able to assist you in discovering whether you may have a case for annulment, which is subject to Church Law. Each instance will be treated with the utmost discretion and applicants treated with appropriate pastoral consideration.
Contact Us
Judicial Vicar: Rev Father Gregory Verissimo
Secretaries to the Judicial Vicar
Mrs Sharon Da Silva
Tel: 020 7960 2515
Mrs Maria Totts
Tel: 020 7960 2516
Mrs Mabel Asante
Tel: 020 7960 2517
Postal Address
Southwark Metropolitan Tribunal
23 Tooting Bec Road
SW17 8BS
Interdiocesan Tribunal of Second Instance of Southwark (ITSIS)
The Tribunal was established in 1980 by the Apostolic Signatura to deal with Second Instance appeals from the Diocesan Tribunals for the Southwark Province. This Tribunal was disbanded in 2018.
Any enquiries should be made to the relevant Diocesan Tribunal; for Southwark, see above.