Parish Committees

Whether you have skills in finance, are great at organising fundraising events and social occasions, or are interested in Justice and Peace, your parish priest may welcome your support on a parish committee. Bringing gifts and talents to these groups can be very helpful to parishes and the wider community as well as personally rewarding as you see your efforts making a difference to the community. Please do come forward and offer your assistance where you think you can be of most help.


Church Cleaners

Many people have reported that their faith has been of great comfort and sustenance to them during the Covid-19 pandemic, and few of us would have considered the vital importance of cleaning at the beginning of 2020. By contributing to your parish in this way, you will not only be providing a pleasant environment but also ensuring the health and wellbeing of the parish community.


Collection Counters

The Sunday collection taken during Mass needs to be looked after each week. Each Parish needs the collection to be counted, following the Diocesan guidelines, processed, and taken to the bank. This needs two people to be involved at each stage both for security reasons and to prevent mistakes.


Gift Aid Co-ordinators

Each parish will need to reclaim Gift Aid on monies donated by parishioners via HMRC.  This can be a valuable financial resource for many and the Diocese is keen to support parishes in this task.



There are many reasons that transport may be required by a parish. This might be to give a lift to an older or physically less able member of the parish community, who would otherwise not be able to get to Mass, or perhaps to take goods to a local foodbank. Offering your driving skills and your car can be a great blessing to those in need.