The Clergy Support Fund enables the Archdiocese of Southwark to care for clergy in their retirement, old age, and at their time of ill health, after their lifetime of service and devotion to Christ, His Church and His People. Your donations ensure a dignified retirement for all of our priests.
Why is your help so critical?
With the help of generous people like you, the Clergy Support Fund cares for over 100 elderly or unwell priests each year. Over the next ten years, the Archdiocese expects a further 120 priests to retire from active ministry. With the average age of our priests rising, combined with the high cost of care homes, the financial cost of caring for our clergy in their retirement is rising year on year.
Wherever possible, the Archdiocese works with the NHS, social services and the local council to ensure funding gaps are met, but the Archdiocese of Southwark must actively raise funds to meet the gap in funding costs.
Become a 'Friend' of our Sick and Retired Clergy with a gift today.
Or download a pledge form HERE and return it to:
Clergy Support Fund
Bowen House
59 Westminster Bridge Road
Please continue to pray for the repose of the souls of all those priests who have left us this year for their heavenly home.